Ending Well founder Nonie Wales

Holistic Psychotherapist
Death Doula

Ending Well’s mission is to support individuals and families to do endings and death better.

Endings are rarely easy and usually profound. They crack us open and in these new gaps we can find insight and a deepening of wisdom. But we often need help.

We don’t have to do endings alone. This is where Ending Well seeks to be a support and resource.

Ending Well is founded by Nonie Wales. Nonie is passionate about connecting people with resources both inner and outer.

Resources can provide us with maps to help navigate difficult and unknown terrain. Accessing resources that align with our needs and values, and help us make meaning during times of significant adjustment, can be like finding a wellspring from which to draw sustenance.

Nonie has previously focussed on resourcing non-profits, co-founding Matrix on Board and Accounting for Good with a vision to assist non-profits across Australia in their crucial work of social change and advocacy, a mission both businesses continue to pursue today.

As her first endeavour with Ending Well, Nonie is excited to host Dr Sarah Kerr’s 2024 Australian Sacred Deathcare Learning Series. Nonie is eager to share Sarah’s wisdom and insight with the Australian community.

From 2025, Nonie plans to offer holistic psychotherapy and death doula services.

Ending Well founder Nonie Wales

Holistic Psychotherapist HolPsych.cert*
Death Doula

Ending Well’s mission is to support individuals and families to do endings and death better.

Endings are rarely easy and usually profound. They crack us open and in these new gaps we can find insight and a deepening of wisdom. But we often need help.

We don’t have to do endings alone. This is where Ending Well seeks to be a support and resource.

Ending Well is founded by Nonie Wales. Nonie is passionate about connecting people with resources both inner and outer.

Resources can provide us with maps to help navigate difficult and unknown terrain. Accessing resources that align with our needs and values, and help us make meaning during times of significant adjustment, can be like finding a wellspring from which to draw sustenance.

Nonie has previously focussed on resourcing non-profits, co-founding Matrix on Board and Accounting for Good with a vision to assist non-profits across Australia in their crucial work of social change and advocacy, a mission both businesses continue to pursue today.

As her first endeavour with Ending Well, Nonie is excited to host Dr Sarah Kerr’s 2024 Australian Sacred Deathcare Learning Series. Nonie is eager to share Sarah’s wisdom and insight with the Australian community.

From 2025, Nonie plans to offer holistic psychotherapy and death doula services.